매우 만족4 리뷰
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  • 96.0%
    정시 납품율
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    {0}건의 주문
사소한 맞춤 제작
디자인을 통한 맞춤 제작
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QA/QC 검사원 (1)
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회사 리뷰 (4)
5.0 /5
매우 만족
  • 공급업체 서비스
  • 정시 배송
  • 제품 품질
The customer service that I received from Tina Zheng was absolutely an amazing experience, Tina is a very professional person who has great knowledge of the product i needed. We received the equipment in a very speedy fashion. Will continue to purchase from LVBO when i need equipment. Thank you to all other staff that was involved with the process and big big thank you to Tin. Remarkable service!!!
    The customer service that I received from Tina Zheng was absolutely an amazing experience, Tina is a very professional person who has great knowledge of the product i needed. We received the equipment in a very speedy fashion. Will continue to purchase from LVBO when i need equipment. Thank you to all other staff that was involved with the process and big big thank you to Tin. Remarkable service!!!
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